Electronic giving will enable you to support your parish without worrying about writing a check every time!
If you would like to donate to our parish, there are several options.
You can donate through ParishSoft from this website by clicking here
or you can donate from you phone by texting GIVE to 256-598-5239,
or you can scan the QR code.

There are two other methods of online giving that we have had for some time. If you already use one of these, you don't need to change anything.
1) Online Bill Pay
Using your Online Bill Pay service at any bank, you can set up OLQU as a payee. Use your envelope number as your account number. You can then program your contributions one at a time or put them on autopay. You can put a collection notation (1st collection, 2nd collection, SVDP etc.) in the Memo field.
The Church bank account number is not necessary for this type of transaction since the bank will mail a check directly to the Church.
There is typically no charge to use this service, however, all banks are different, so check with your bank regarding its online banking policy.
2) Direct Transfer (Only for the members of the Redstone Federal Credit Union)
By using the Redstone Online Banking service, you can transfer your donation directly into the Church checking account.
- Go into your online service.
- Click on "Transfer to another member" button.
- Insert Transfer amount: The $$$ you want to donate.
- From Account: your account #
- To Account Number: Our account # 51006447660
- First 3 letters of last name: OUR
- Transfer Memo: Put your (envelope number OR name) AND what this donation is for (Religious Ed, SVDP, Building and Renovations, etc.). PLEASE include a name or envelope number; this is the only way for us to track your contribution.
- Press: "Transfer Funds."
Your transfer is complete!
We will be happy to walk you through setting up your online banking. Please call during the parish office hours (Tuesday through Friday 9am to 3pm. 256-852-0788) with any questions.