Jesus gave his apostles both the power and the authority to speak and to act in his name. He commanded them to do the works which he did—to heal the sick, to cast out evil spirits, and to speak the word of God—the good news of the gospel which they received from Jesus. When Jesus spoke of power and authority, he did something unheard of. He wedded power and authority with self-sacrificing love and humility.

Why does Jesus tell the apostles to “travel light” with little or no provision? “Poverty of spirit” frees us from greed and preoccupation with our possessions and makes ample room for God’s provision. The Lord wants his disciples to be dependent on him and not on themselves. He wills to work in and through each of us for his glory. When you are ready to use the spiritual authority and power which God wishes you to exercise on his behalf, the Lord entrusts us with his gifts and talents.

Actually, in the teaching of the Catholic Church, the parents are the first missionaries—the first catechists and the first teachers to their children. They got this responsibility of first teachers when the child was baptized. They took the oath before God and the church through the minister that they are going to pass this faith to the child.

Many still have the idea that the call of Christ is addressed only to apostles and their successors, the bishops. This is not true today. All of us are called by God to be missionaries, proclaimers, and witnesses to others of His Words. The Vatican II document entitled, “On the Apostolate of the Laity” said: “Incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body through Baptism and strengthened by the Spirit through Confirmation, the laity are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord Himself.” So, whatever your call may be, you are sent out “to preach, heal, teach, and witness to the good news,” in short, to evangelize.

Yes, my dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, know in your hearts that we are called to be missionaries, called by Jesus to proclaim. It is our responsibility to practice that in our daily lives. Let us pray: Lord Jesus, make me a channel of your healing power and merciful love. Free me from all the attachments of this world, that I may joyfully pursue the treasure of your heavenly kingdom. May I preach the joy of the Gospel both in word and deed. Amen.

Love and Prayers,

Fr. Charley