
Congratulations to our young people and those from St. Mary of the Visitation who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Raica at the 10 o’clock Mass on Saturday, April 1. Please pray for them and all youth as they continue their journey of faith. They are: Jayci Cloys, John Dempsey, Gregory Ebelhar, Matthew Hammer, Emily Huddleston, Jayleena Laney, Anthony Torres, Marli Waldon, Gabriel Carrillo, Thomas Custodio, Aubrey Dithmer, Burke Jones, Thomas Kruza, George Mullins, Mark Olin, and Victoria Quintero. God bless them! Thank You!

Susan Turner

Confirmation Rite of Enrollment

The candidates will celebrate the Rite of Enrollment on Sunday, February 5th at the 10:00 AM Mass. This is their time to formally make the commitment to continue growing spiritually and see the sacrament as the beginning of a mature life of faith. Please keep them in your prayers as they move toward receiving the sacrament on Saturday, April 1st! They are: Jayci Cloys, John Dempsey, Gregory Ebelhar, Matthew Hammer, Emily Huddleston, Jayleena Laney, Anthony Torres, and Marli Waldon.

Holy Family Soiree

Please support the Catholic school that our Parish supports!

The HFS Parent Teacher Organization cordially invites you to attend our 31st Annual Soiree, formally known as the Silent Auction on February 11, 2023 at 6 PM in Fr. Messmer Hall. It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and we’re soaring with the Eagles! Our theme is a Mardi Gras party and we’re going to have a “Mardi” good time with New Orleans cuisine, games, live entertainment, as well as a live auction event in addition to the silent auction! Please plan to join us—invite some friends! Tickets on sale now: $85/single and $125/couple OR check out our sponsorship opportunities.

Email Britton Robert at for more details on how to become a Sponsor! Is Back!

Behind the Blue (or Purple or Green) Page, your Communications Ministry has been working with the Parish staff to build a new web experience for the Parish. Right now, only a few of the planned features are available, but over the next few weeks, we’ll be adding features including a new and more informative Ministries page, a contact page for your questions to the Staff, a Map page for visitors looking for us, and an improved calendar.
Check us out!

Mass Times

Saturday, 5 PM, Sunday, 8 and 10 AM

(Overflow/Socially-distanced Seating in Joy Hall at 5 PM and 10 AM Masses)

For live Masses go to

Daily Mass in St. Joseph's Chapel

Tuesday – Friday, 12 Noon, with Adoration at 11:30 AM

First Fridays: Adoration begins at 11 AM

Confession: Saturday, 3:30-4:30 pm

Eucharistic Devotion at Cathedral on June 19

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has called for a Eucharistic Revival, a three-year “grassroots revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” Particularly right now, the bishops feel the Church in the United States needs (1) healing, (2) unity, (3) formation, and (4) sending. The mission of the revival is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Locally, we will prepare for the Eucharistic Revival with a Forty Hours Devotion, beginning June 17 at the Cathedral of St. Paul. The devotion will culminate with a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown Birmingham on June 19, the Feast of Corpus Christi at 7 PM.

A Promotional Video invitation from Bishop Raica in English with Spanish subtitles is available at or on the diocesan website and is shareable from the Diocesan Facebook page.

40-Hour Devotion Adoration Sign-up

To ensure at least three adorers are present in the Cathedral at all times throughout the devotion, we are asking adorers to sign-up for specific time slots. Both individuals as well as parish, school, apostolate and movement groups are invited to sign up for a particular hour. The hour may be spent in silent prayer, with the leading of suitable devotions, or the singing of appropriate songs. The link to sign-up may be found here: https//

Those who wish to attend can download the following information at


Volume 19, Number 2, May 2022

Getting Back On Track

Our schedule has been a little irregular since the beginning of the pandemic, depending on when we have content to publish, but for this issue, that wasn't the problem. Christmas provided plenty of content—as you will see—we just got behind schedule. The main mission of The Queen's Messenger is to communicate to you the Parish's events in a timely fashion, which didn't happen with this issue, but its secondary mission is to document these events for the future, so we're publishing this content rather than skipping it to catch up. The next issue—Lent and Easter—should appear on June 1, which will catch us up for now–The Editor.

Christmas Party with Bonfire

Before COVID, the Bonfire and the Christmas Party were separate events. However, in 2020, we didn't have a bonfire event, and the Christmas Party was turned into a drive-through visit to Santa held in our parking lot. This year, we held a combined event in and around the Pavilion. Santa made an appearance, of course, and chili dogs and hot cocoa were available, as were s'mores with marshmallows toasted in the bonfire. Jerry Kessler and Mark Blackburn led the caroling afterward. (Archie Phillips contributed the photo of Fr. Charley with Santa.)

Christmas Decorations

Bev Massa and her Arts and Environment team and all others who helped get the church, the gathering space, and the outside of the building ready for Christmas did an awesome job. Here are some photos of their work.

Christmas Eve Mass

Christmas Crèche Collection

Who knew? Fr. Charley is a crèche collector, and he put his collection on display in our gathering space for Christmas. Beautiful!

Fr. Charley's 30th Anniversary of Ordination

(All photos except the first slider slide are by Bev Massa.)

Schedule for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

March 2, Ash Wednesday: Mass at 12 PM and 6 PM

March 3, Thursday: Lives of the Saints, 6 PM

March 4, Friday: Fish Fry, 4 – 5:30 PM, Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

Weekday Schedule During Lent

Mondays: Mass at 5 PM

Tuesday – Thursday: Adoration, Stations of the Cross, and Mass beginning at 11:15 AM

Fridays: Adoration and Mass beginning at 11:30 AM

Lenten Events

First Week of Lent

March 10, Thursday:

March 11, Friday:

Lives of the Saints—A Lenten Study, 6 – 7 PM

Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

(Soup and bread takeout after Stations by St. Andrew's Table Ministry)

Second Week of Lent

March 14, Monday:

March 17, Thursday:

March 18, Friday:

Chain Rosary, 7 AM – 8 PM

Lives of the Saints—A Lenten Study, 6 – 7 PM

Fish Fry by the Men's Club, 4 PM – 5:30 PM

Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

Third Week of Lent

March 20, Sunday:

March 24, Thursday:


March 25, Friday:

Family Rosary, 6 PM

Lives of the Saints—A Lenten Study, 6 – 7 PM

Taizé Night Prayer, 7 PM

Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

(Soup and bread takeout after Stations by St. Andrew's Table Ministry)

Fourth Week of Lent

March 30, Wednesday:


March 31, Thursday:





April 1, Friday:

Lenten Mission, 10 AM

Lenten Mission, 6 PM

Lenten Mission, 10 AM

Lives of the Saints—A Lenten Study, 5 – 6 PM

Lenten Mission, 6 PM

Confession after the Lenten Mission; three priests will be available

Fish Fry by the Men's Club, 4 PM – 5:30 PM

Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

Fifth Week of Lent

April 7, Thursday:

April 8, Friday:

Lives of the Saints—A Lenten Study, 6 – 7 PM

Stations of the Cross, 6 PM

(Soup and bread takeout after Stations by St. Andrew's Table Ministry)

Holy Week

April 9, Saturday: First Saturday Mass, 8:30 AM


Palm Sunday: The Commemoration of the Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem

April 9, Saturday: Vigil Mass, 5 PM

April 10, Sunday: Mass, 8 AM and 10 AM, Stations of the Cross at 9 AM


April 11, Monday: Exposition, Stations of the Cross, and Mass, beginning at 5 PM

April 12, Tuesday: Chrism Mass in Birmingham, 11 AM

April 13, Wednesday: Exposition, Stations of the Cross, Mass, beginning at 11:30 AM

The Triduum

April 14, Holy Thursday: Christ Is the Sacrifice

Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7 PM

April 15,  Good Friday: The Silence of the Tomb

Personal Prayer, 1 – 3 PM

Stations of the Cross (outdoors), 3 PM

Veneration of the Cross, 7 PM

April 16, Holy Saturday: The Vigil of Hope, and the Day of Joy

Blessing of the Easter Food, 11 AM

Easter Vigil Mass, 8 PM

April 17, Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Easter Mass, 8 AM and 10 AM


Have a Blessed Easter!



Our Family Rosary has been rescheduled for January 30 at 6 PM in Joy Hall. As always, you and your family are invited to bring a candle to be blessed during the Exposition of the Holy Eucharist.
Also, if you would like to lead a decade of the rosary, please contact Mark at or the office at 256.852.0788 during office hours (9 AM - 3 PM).