Volume 19, Number 1, December 2021

St. Joseph’s Chapel Receives New Furniture

On December 21, Fr. Charley blessed a beautiful new set of furniture for St. Joseph’s Chapel, including the new altar, a table for the Tabernacle, a credence table, tables for the St. Mary and St. Joseph statues, and an ambo. Parishioner Bernard Acker designed and built the furniture.

Upper two photos by Vicki Wilson and Tim Conley.

Parish Visited by Saints!

At the end of Mass on October 31, Fr. Charley invited the children who had dressed as saints to come to the front and tell which saint they were portraying.

Fr. Charley’s Birthday

Fr. Charley receiving birthday gifts after the Noon Mass on November 2.

November Taizé Prayer Service

The Taizé Prayer service for November was moved back a week to November 18 since the usual fourth Thursday of the month was Thanksgiving Day. The altar, however, was ready for the holiday. Mark Blackburn and Damian Hochmuth provided the music for the service.

Mandating of Liturgical Ministers

Our Diocese has asked the liturgical ministers of the parishes to receive special training in their ministries in order to participate. Once they have completed the training, they are given a “mandate” or call to serve, and participate in a “mandating” ceremony at Mass. In the photo here, Susan Turner and Pat Spinelli are receiving their mandates: Susan as a Lector, and Pat as a Sacristan.

Parish Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Fr. Charley’s Ordination

Fr. Charley celebrates the 30th anniversary of his ordination on December 30. Our Parish Family will join him in celebrating with a Mass at 5 PM, followed by a reception. Please plan to attend—we would like to show him our appreciation for his service and our thankfulness that he accepted God’s call!

(Photo from 2019)

One Voice Subscription

In your January collection envelopes there is an envelope for your One Voice subscription payment. You may disregard this envelope—it was included by mistake—since your subscription to the new quarterly magazine is already paid for by the Parish.

You may also sign up for the bi-weekly diocesan e-newsletter (which has most of the detailed information that the old One Voice newspaper had) at https://onevoicebhm.org/form/e-newsletter-signup.

Volume 18, Number 7, October 2021

Morgan Jellett Memorial Friends of the Poor Walk/Run

The Huntsville Area St. Vincent de Paul Society held its annual Friends of the Poor Walk/Run on September 25 on our campus. This year’s event was named in honor of Morgan Jellett, a major organizer of the Society and its programs in North Alabama, who passed away last December 22. His wife, Ceil, was on hand for the opening ceremony, where she was presented with a certificate and flowers in his honor by the Society.

Registration for the event began at 7 AM. At 7:45, members of our Choir, joined by Gary Mahon from St. Joseph’s Church, presented a short musical program, followed by the opening ceremonies. The 1K Children’s Fun Run began at 8 AM and was followed by the 5K Walk/Run. The Roos family prepared a free breakfast for all participants.

Thanks to Cappy O’Halloran, Steven Gordon, and Victoria Roos for contributing photos.

Picnic Food Take-out

Fr. Charley and the Pastoral Council were hoping we would be able to have our annual Parish Picnic this fall, but because COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, they decided it wasn’t safe yet to bring a large group together for a picnic. Instead, the Council prepared picnic food, including either a pulled-pork sandwich, a hamburger, or a hotdog, with baked beans, potato salad, either coleslaw or kale salad, chips, and a fruit cup, and distributed the food in take-out boxes after Masses on the September 25-26 weekend.

Volume 18, Number 6, September 2021

After a slow summer, it is time for another issue!  The surge in COVID-19 since May has made it hard to schedule events, but we’re trying. We now have some monthly events—the Chain Rosary, the Parking Lot Rosary, and Taizé services—and there are more events coming this fall.

Celebration Sundays!

Although we still can’t do Celebration Sunday in Joy Hall as we did before COVID-19, we have begun doing what we can. On Fathers’ Day, June 20, the Social Ministry distributed doughnuts to members of the Parish Family in front of the church as they left Mass. The Pastoral Council did the same on July 18 and on Grandparents’ Day, September 19. For August, the Social Ministry served cake for our parish feast day, the Queenship of Mary, on August 22.

Taizé Prayer Service

Our Parish held its first monthly Taizé Prayer Service on August 19. The service consisted of music by John and Karine Diven of Perfect Praise Music and Mark Blackburn, prayer, and scripture readings, followed by exposition of the Eucharist. The next Taizé service is on Thursday, September 23, at 7 pm. For more information about Taizé services, see Monthly Events .

Youth Olympics

On August 22, our Youth Ministry held a Youth Olympics for all youth from 7th through 12th grade that began at 5 PM in the Pavilion. Members were encouraged to bring a friend. As a reward for demonstrating their athletic abilities, there were prizes and snacks.

Taste and See

On Sunday, August 29, Holy Family School held a Capital Campaign Kick-Off at St. Joseph's Church. The school is raising funds for a new building! There was music beginning at 4:30 pm, and Mass began at 5 pm. Members of the choirs from all three supporting parishes—St. Mary’s, OLQU, and St. Joseph’s—participated in the music. After the Mass, there was a presentation about the campaign, and the Wiegmann family from our Parish participated—four of their children attended the school. After the Mass and presentation, there was a reception at the Fr. Messmer Center.

50 Years!

Congratulations to Jeff and Beth Anderson who celebrated their fiftieth anniversary with a ceremony on June 12.

Thanks to Claudia McClure for the photos!

Picnic-style Takeout on September 25-26

Fr. Charley and the Pastoral Council were hoping we would be able to have our annual Parish Picnic this fall, but because COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, they decided it isn’t safe yet to bring a large group together for a picnic. Father and the Council did want to do something in the spirit of a picnic, however, so after the Masses this weekend, the Council will be passing out picnic take-out boxes for you to take home and enjoy with you family. The meals will include your choice of a barbecue pork sandwich, hamburger, or hotdog, with sides. There wasn’t any sign-up. We just ask for your patience and cooperation in maintaining social distancing as we distribute the meals. Thank you!

Here are some photos from the 2019 Picnic contributed by members of the Parish.

Monthly Events

Chain Rosary
On every second Monday, the parish will pray a chain rosary. It can be prayed from any place for our parish, for the relief and eradication of COVID, and for special intentions of our mind and heart.
Family Rosary
Every third Sunday we will have a Family Rosary at 6 PM in St. Joseph's Chapel. All are invited to bring a candle to be blessed by Father during the Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist.
Taizé Service
Every fourth Thursday OLQU will have a Taizé Service. This is a time of prayer, music, and contemplation in the presence of Christ.


What is Taizé Night Prayer?
   Taizé Night Prayer is a distinctive style of meditative prayer developed by a community of monks in rural, Taizé, France. This quiet, moving reflective prayer combines elements of the Church's traditional Liturgy of the Hours, Adoration, and contemplative meditation.
   A typical Taizé prayer service incorporates periods of silence with meditative readings from Scripture, prayers of praise and intercession, songs or chants based on the Psalms or other parts of Scripture. Short songs or chants, repeated over and over, create a meditative environment and express basic realities of faith which can be easily grasped by the mind and the heart.
   Taizé Prayer is widely practiced today in student centers and retreat houses, but also in parish churches and local congregations throughout the world.
  It is an elegantly simple service: chants, often in Latin, repeated several times, and some songs. There are Scripture readings, Psalms, intercessory prayer, and silence in candlelight, facing the Blessed Sacrament. In 50 minutes, it’s over.
-Claudia McClure