Lenten Tuesday Adoration and Mass
On Tuesdays during Lent, starting March 2, we will have Adoration at 11:30 AM followed by Mass in the Parish Hall.
On Tuesdays during Lent, starting March 2, we will have Adoration at 11:30 AM followed by Mass in the Parish Hall.
Deacon Jim has gathered for us information and prayers for each season of the liturgical year.
In honor of Catholic Schools Week, Holy Family School is offering to-go chicken dinners on February 3. Prices are $10 in advance and $12 on the day of. Advance ticket holders are guaranteed a dinner. The plates purchased that day are first come, first served.
Ticket sales start on the weekend of January 16 and 17, after all Masses at St. Joseph’s Church. For more information, please call the school at 256-539-5221 or the parish office.
Pickup will be on Wednesday, February 3, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the Messmer Center (Holy Family School Gym).
Don’t miss this wonderful deal! Click on the link below for a flyer with order form.
As promised, Santa Claus visited our Parish on Saturday, December 12, after the 5 PM Mass. The Social Committee hosted the drive-through Santa visit at the main entrance of the church. As it was also the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, there was a booth for her, and there also was a stable for Baby Jesus.
Photos are courtesy of Keith Wheeler. You can see more here.
According to Fr. Charley, it was “a number of generous parishioners” who donated the St. Joseph and Baby Jesus statue that he is shown here blessing on December 20.
On December 8, Pope Francis announced a Year of St. Joseph to honor the foster father of Jesus. One Voice had a story about the announcement in the December 11 issue, and you can find the text of the Pope’s Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph, Patris Corde, at http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html#_ftn6
On All Souls Day, November 2, Fr. Charley blessed the names of deceased loved ones that had been placed on the bulletin board in the gathering space as part of the celebration of the day. The Mass and Fr. Charley’s birthday celebration were covered in the last issue.
We have two new liturgical ministers! Fr. Charley commissioned Maria Nolen and Allwyn Graham on November 22. Allwyn is a Lector, and Maria is both a Lector and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Welcome to both!
Due to the absence of several November events that we usually cover in The Queen’s Messenger, this issue is the shortest in the seventeen-plus years of its publication. In December, however, we have the visit of Santa Claus on December 12 and Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, which give us something to look forward to for the next issue!—The Editor
Welcome to the first issue of the web version of The Queen’s Messenger. This is the beginning of the eighteenth year of the Parish newsletter, and now we evolve to a third format. In November of 2003 we started this publication with a print edition and went to a slide-show version in March of 2017 when Fr. Davis said to “use new technology.” Since our main way of disseminating the slide show was through “Celebration Sunday” in Joy Hall, which was shut down by the pandemic, and putting the PowerPoint on the website isn’t ideal, we needed a new way to keep you up-to-date on the events that are happening in the Parish.
We are doing our best to make indoor Mass safe!
Our Parish celebrated the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 8 by gathering in the parish parking lot—masked and socially distanced—to recite the Rosary for all those affected by COVID-19, for the world, and for the Parish Family. Members of the Parish had been encouraged to bring candles they would light for reciting the Rosary at home. After the recitation, Fr. Charley, with the Holy Eucharist, individually blessed those who attended and the candles they brought. You can see more photos of the event here.
Fr. Charley commissions the catechists on September 12. More photos here.
When visiting the Pavilion this summer for Mass or a meeting, you may have noticed the new benches around the fire pit. These benches were added by the same person who built the fire pit, Gregory Roos. The fire pit was his Eagle project for Boy Scouts, and he added the benches on August 8-10 as his Summit project. Venture Scouts is part of Boy Scouts of America for youth, male and female, from 14 to 21 years of age, and its highest award is the Summit Award. The project was one of the final requirements for his Summit. He sent us some photos of the work on the project, which you can view here.
From October 7 through October 16, our Parish held a Rosary Novena beginning with a “chain rosary” on October 7, the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. From 7 AM to 8 PM, parishioners participating in the chain rosary dedicated personal prayer time to pray the Rosary in sequence. When each participant finished praying the Rosary, he or she called to let the next person on the list know to begin.
The Novena continued with Parish Family members praying privately at home, using the recorded Mysteries that were available online. We concluded the Novena with an Outside Rosary at sunset on the 16th in the parking lot. After the Rosary, Fr. Charley extended a special blessing to families with the Exposition of the Holy Eucharist to each participant. Keith Wheeler sent us photos, which you can see here. Even in the shadow of COVID-19, our parish found peace under the mantle of Our Blessed Virgin Mary.
Damian Hochmuth and Mark Blackburn
Fr. Charley presenting prizes after the 10 AM Mass to three “Saints” who dressed for the occasion.
Members of the new Rosary Club recruiting after the 10 AM Mass. The Rosary Club is open to Middle School and High School youth.
Fr. Charley celebrates All Souls Day Mass.
All Souls Day is Fr. Charley’s birthday! Here he is receiving gifts from the Pastoral Council after Mass.
Thanks to Mike Janssen, we are able to bring back, at least for this occasion, a feature from early in our print days.
Did you know that Santa Claus is a member of our Lawn Care Ministry?
Bishop Stephen Raica issued a decree on January 5 extending the dispensation from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days through March 14, 2021, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. You can read his whole statement here: