Listen to Him
After the disciples climb up the mountain, see the Lord transfigured, and witness the conversation between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, God the Father finally speaks. God the Father speaks only two times in the New Testament: at Jesus’ baptism, and during the time of Transfiguration. But what he says is really quite strange when we think about it. After pronouncing Jesus once again as his Beloved Son, God the Father thundered, “Listen to him!” How strange is this?After all, what had Peter, James, and John been doing for the previous two years but listening to Jesus? That is what Lent is about, listening to Jesus. Are we giving God sufficient time to speak to us? Is the Lord asking something of us this Lent? If so, let us follow the Father’s advice, “This is my chosen Son, listen to him.”
It took the apostles a long time to get to know Jesus and the longer they were with Jesus the better they got to know him. It is the same for us. We also gradually grow in our love for and knowledge of Jesus and we also grow in understanding what Jesus is asking of us. The Collect (Alternative Opening Prayer) for Mass today expresses beautifully our hopes for Lent to our heavenly Father:
Open our hearts to the voice of your Word and free us from the original darkness that shadows our vision. Restore our sight that we may look upon your Son who calls us to repentance and change of heart.
We must pray that our hearts would be open, that we be freed from darkness, and have our sight restored. It is really a prayer that we be transformed during Lent. And listen to Jesus and understand him much better. In our prayers we often forget to include the part of listening to Him. When we pray, many times, we just ask or say all that we need or share our sufferings and worries and leave the place; we don’t wait for the Lord to speak to us. Only by listening can we transform our lives the way Jesus wants to do for us. Listening is a skill and an art. So, during this season of Lent especially, give more time for Jesus to speak to us than we speak to Jesus. Always listen to Him, then we will hear in the innermost heart what Jesus wants to tell us. Wait for the Lord and listen to Him always. I wish you a very Holy Season of Lent.
Love and prayers,
Fr. Charley