All Things Are Possible for God
Balu was a very humble and God-fearing man. He was very knowledgeable about many things in the world. One day while he was traveling along the mountainside, he found a piece of green rock on the side of the mountain. As soon as he saw it, he realized that it was a precious stone, and a very costly stone it was. He knew that it was a very expensive gem, but Balu decided to give that precious stone as a great gift to the king. He gave the gemstone as a gift to him, but the King’s advisory team told the king that it was not a gemstone; it was only an ordinary stone meant to deceive the king. The king was so angry with Balu that he had him put in prison and they cut his toes as a punishment. Though they punished him cruelly, Balu would not give up his effort. After a few years, the king died and a new king came in his place. Balu again took the green gem to the new king and presented it to him as a gift. The king called the gem experts and asked them to verify it, and the gem experts said it was the costliest gem in the world. The value of it was huge, and the king was so taken that he called Balu to come to the Palace and receive great gifts of appreciation.
Many of the people we meet are like the gem that Balu found. When we consider their background and behavior, we have not given them the respect and recognition they deserve. The reason for that is that we don’t see the goodness in them. We have to dismiss preconceptions about other people and try to look inside of them and try to understand who they are really.
The story also reminds us that sometimes our goodness, efficiency, and commitments are not known by others. Don’t cry over it. It is because of the inadequacy of others rather than our own inadequacy. Wait for the chance to come. Do not be disappointed. Balu was not disappointed when the first king treated him badly. If we are not aware of the hidden gems within us, how can others have that conviction? So, the first thing is that we have to develop a better awareness and understanding of our own goodness. We must strive to grow those gems continuously.
As Jesus tells us: “For human beings it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Wait for God’s response; the time will come. Do not be afraid. Whatever God’s will is, that will happen to us. It may take time, but surely it will take place. So, do not be afraid about what human beings say. Depend on God’s will. May God bless you all.
Love and prayers,
Fr. Charley