Youth Gathering, March 26

On March 26, Youth Ministry will host a “Youth Gathering Night” for all 6th graders through 12th. We will have games, activities, and snacks. We start at 6:30 pm directly after the Stations of the Cross at 6 pm.

Parents, Father Charley will also expose the Eucharist at 6:30 for all adults while your youth discover the importance of Lent in their lives.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at

Holy Week Schedule

  • Holy Thursday, April 1 – Mass at 7 PM
  • Good Friday, April 2
    • Stations of the Cross, 3 PM (outside)
    • Service, 7 PM in Joy Hall
  • Holy Saturday, April 3
    • No Easter Egg Hunt this year
    • Blessing of the Easter Meal, 10 AM
    • Easter Vigil Mass, 8 PM
  • Easter Sunday, April 4
    • Mass, 8 AM and 10 AM
    • Easter Goodies will be given to children after each Mass.

Chain Rosary Update

As a Parish Family, we will pray the Chain Rosary on Friday, March 19 for the Feast of St. Joseph. Our Rosary will begin at 7 AM and conclude at 8 PM. To participate in this event, please call the office and reserve a time by Friday, March 12. This Chain Rosary is prayed for our Parish Family, those suffering from COVID, and for the workers of our nation.

“We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more.”

– Saint Joseph. 

Youth Ministry Hosts Lenten Gathering

On Friday March 5, Youth Ministry will be hosting a Lenten Gathering for all youth. We will have fun with games and activities while maintaining social distancing and wearing our masks. Parents are invited to spend time with the Holy Eucharist during this event—a time of Adoration with the Lord. We will meet at 6:30 PM after the Stations of the Cross at 6 PM.

Chain Rosary for Feast of St. Joseph

To celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19, we will continue our Chain Rosary. Sign-up for time slots will start the weekend of March 6 and 7. Please consider participating in the Chain Rosary for our Parish, for those suffering with COVID, and for the Workers of our Nation.

Write a Letter to Santa

Hey, kids! If your parents are taking you through the drive-thru to visit Santa on December 12, you can write a letter to Santa, and it will be collected as you drive through. Details about the drive thru are here.

Santa Is Coming to OLQU!

Santa Claus will be visiting on Saturday, December 12, after the 5 PM Mass! The Social Committee will be hosting a drive-through Santa visit at the main entrance of the church. Enter the parking lot using the south entrance (closest to Sparkman Drive), and exit using the north entrance (closest to Grizzard). There will be an elf directing traffic. (Pay close attention to the elf—Santa will be watching you!) We ask that the children stay in their cars—we don’t want to expose Santa to any GERMS!