My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

Jesus the Son said “Yes” to the Father and humbled himself to become man so that we might have eternal life. Mary, the lowly, young Virgin, full of faith and love of God, said “Yes” to the Father to become the Mother of our Savior and Mother to each of us. Joseph, the humble carpenter, said “Yes” to the Father and, in that act, became the foster-father of the Savior. At Christmas time we are reminded that our salvation was dependent on the “Yes” of Jesus, of Mary, and of Joseph. It is wonderful what happens when we say “Yes” to the Father! This Christmas, may we all find ourselves willing to be as humble and obedient as Joseph, and may our faith and love be as strong and true as Mary’s, and may we all follow Jesus’ example to give ourselves to do the Father’s will no matter how difficult.

May you and your families be full of the joy and wonder of that first Christmas and may the love of the Christ child instill in your heart the desire to say “Yes” to the Father. My own heart is so very grateful for all your love and support—your prayers, your talents, and your financial sacrifices. May the Good Lord bless you in the coming year with good health and many spiritual blessings. Please keep me in your daily prayers and be sure of my prayers for you.

With Love and Prayers,

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Charley