Today is Trinity Sunday. Our faith tells us there is but one God, and in this one God, there are three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons are really distinct: the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and the Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son.

Each of these persons is really and truly God, and still, there is but one God. We cannot understand it and we could not believe it if God had not told us; however, Jesus told us a great deal about God. He told us that God is love, life, and goodness.

To be a whole person, we must have a relationship with our God. We humans do not like being out of relationship with those around us or our God. We human beings are in desperate need for union.

We are made in the image and likeness of God, and God is communion, is relationship, and therefore so are we. Humans strive for union with God and with each other. We reach out for companionship. Every hug or embrace gives indirect testimony to the Trinity.

The Trinity says that God is relationship, and so we search. We are made to that image and likeness; we have to share all that we have with others.

God is love and unity undivided, and we strive for the same. Think of the most satisfying moments of your life: when you sat on your mother’s lap, when you were held or hugged, when you were affirmed, when you were simply in the silent presence of someone you loved, when you had someone in your life.

To be a Christian is to be always “on call.” On this feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we celebrate the mystery that God—Father, Son, and Spirit—has called us into an intimate relationship of love. God has made us his own daughters and sons.

We shall love each other and care for each other. We shall be part of God and show the world that we are made in the likeness and image of God.

Love and Prayers,

Fr. Charley